Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jaci's preschool Graduation

1st year of preschool done only 14 more years of school left and then it is off to the big stuff! We are so proud of Jaci she loves to learn and keeps asking me when school is starting again. Is it school day? We have a fun summer planned and hopefully I will be able to wear her out with lots of activites! She is a little spit fire and she definantely keeps me on my toes.
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Dixie & Anne Leavitt Family Events said...

What a darling girl! She really is so beautiful, Gina! Just like her momma! I want to learn how to make the AMAZING chocolate cake that you brought to Brooke's b-day lunch... I know it's been months and it's pathetic, but I seriously keep thinking about how fabulous it was! Is the recipe a secret?

Marie said...

Gina, I am crying looking at this blog because I miss you so much! Jaci is so grown up!I love the picture of her crossing her legs. Livi is just darling, I want to squeeze that chubby little thing! Sounds like i need the chocolate cake recipe too! Love you!

Amy Brindley said...

Gina! You look so beautiful! I can see why your girls are so darling. And, Livi, holy cow! She is so big and adorable. I just want to eat her up!!!

Sherrie said...

Jaci Is just too cute for words. We love and miss you guys. Hope we get to see you at the cabin this summer. Thanks for meeting us when we pass by Cedar!!!!!

Justiel said...

Wow, your hair is so long and you look so great. Your girls are so cute. I miss you guys. Hope all is going great.

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

aww congrats to Jaci! She is so grown up; she was a baby the last time I saw her. Caleb will be starting preschool this fall; I'm sure it will fly by.

Amber said...

Hi Gina, it's Amber...Purles...remember me :) So fun to find your blog. I found Shelly's a while ago and then saw yours on hers. Your girls are BEAUTIFUL of course! You guys look so happy. My blog is private but I would love to invite you on. If you are interested please email me at Fun to see what your up to!
Miss you, Amber

Missy said...

Gina!!! I am here in St. George and FINALLY settled. I would love to get together and see you and your cute girls. Email me some good dates to meet up!

kristy said...

hi Gina!! It's so fun to stumble upon old friends though blogging! I just saw shelly's blog and connected to yours. Your family is beautiful! I love your little Jaci and Livi. What beautiful girls they are, just like their mommy! So exciting you ran a half marathon! I did one last summer and loved it! Of course I haven't gone running since... can't seem to escape being pregnant! You look amazing. It's so fun to see pictures. let's keep in touch!

kristy said...

ps. is amber purles the same amber we knew in utah? the one from highland? blonde? I can't remember her last name... is purles her married name? maybe it's someone totally different...